
How To Register


Registration form link will be available in a few days

Each Participant must use a separate registration form.

Registration fees, payment details and further information are given below. For any further queries, you may contact the Annual Congress Organizing Secretariat through the below communication channels. 

8th Interventional Pain Istanbul Organizing Secretariat

 Office: Kenes M+

E-mail contacts: 

Registration & Accommodation:       Ms. İlayda Damar, idamar@kenes.com

General Inquiries:                                       Mr. Veysel Güzel, vguzel@kenes.com

Registration Categories & Fees

Registration CategoryRegistration Type

Early-Bird Rates
(Until July 8th)

Regular Rates
(After July 9th)

International Delegate

Only Congress

450.00 EUR

525.00 EUR

Congress & Workshop

2,500.00 EUR

2,750.00 EUR

Local Delegate

Only Congress

12,500.00 TRL

15,000.00 TRL

Congress & Workshop

55,000.00 TRL

62,500.00 TRL


*All prices are inclusive of VAT taxes.


Registration fee for only Congress registration includes

  • Symposium materials (Name badge, final program book, etc…)
  • Access to scientific sessions
  • Coffee breaks & light refreshments as per the congress program
  • Certificate of attendance
  • Welcome Reception

Registration fee for Congress & Hands on Workshop includes

  • Congress materials (Name badge, final program book, etc…)
  • Access to scientific sessions
  • Access to hands on cadaver workshop
  • Coffee breaks & light refreshments as per the congress program
  • Certificate of attendance
  • Welcome Reception

Letter of Confirmation

A confirmation letter will be sent to the submitted e-mail within one week of receipt of the total registration fee.

Cancellation of Registration

Once payment is received your registration will be confirmed by e-mail.

Cancellation of registration will be accepted until the early bird deadline of July 8th, 2024, up to which date the registration fee will be refunded with a 50.-EUR ( 500.-TL for local participants) deduction for administrative expenses.

For cancellations received on and after July 9th, 2024, the registration fee will be non-refundable.

Notification of changes in the reservation and/or cancellations must be done in writing to the Congress Organizing Secretariat, to the attention of Ms. İlayda Damar (idamar@kenes.com)

Payment Terms

The official currency of the Congress for the international delegates is Euro.

Payments should be made in advance via bank transfer or via credit card.

We regret that we are unable to accept any personal, company and/or bank cheques.

Credit card payment:

Holders of Visa, Eurocard / Mastercard or Amex may use their credit cards for the charge of all fees. Please indicate card number, expiry date and security code on the registration form.

Please note that daily exchange rates will be applied and slight differences in the total charged amount may arise due to fluctuations in the daily exchange rates.

Bank transfer payment:

Bank account details for 8th Interventional Pain Istanbul are indicated below.

Participants preferring bank transfer payment are required to send the proof of payment to the Congress Organizing Secretariat.

**Please make your bank transfer for your registration fee including the bank transfer charges. If the payment received by the organizing secretariat is less than the registration fee, the participants will be charged for the missing amount.

Bank Account Details:

Account Name

IPI2025, Turkey

Bank Details

Credit Suisse Geneva, 1211 Geneva 70, Switzerland

Account Number



CH42 0483 5150 0934 9277 5

Bank Code


Swift No


(Please indicate the name of the participants & invoice number or the registration ID number on the statement)

Should you need any further information please do not hesitate to contact us.

Looking forward to welcoming you in Istanbul, Turkey!

Kind Regards,

8th Interventional Pain Istanbul Organizing Secretariat

Office: Kenes M+

E-mail: idamar@kenes.com