FIPP Hands on Cadaver Workshop Topics:
- Lumbar Transforaminal Epidural İnjection / PRF –
- Lumbar İntradiscal Rf
- Lumbar Facets – Lumbar Median Branch Block
- Splanchnic Nerve Block / Rf – Superior Hypogastric Block / Rf
- Inferior Hypogastric Block – Impar Ggl Block
- Caudal Neuroplasty – Epidural PRF
- Sphenopalatine Ganglion Block / Rf
- Gasserian Ganglion Rf
- Cervical Facet Block – Cervical Median Branch Rf
- Cervical interlaminer Epidural inj / Cervical Neuroplasty
- Spinal Cord Stimulation Lead Placement Thoracal Cervical – SCS
- T2-T3 Sympathetic Block / Rf – Lumbar Sympathetic Block / Rf
- Thoracic Facet Block / Median Branch Rf – Intercostal Nerve Block / Rf
- Celiac Block
- Sacroiliac Joint injection / Rf – Lateral Branch Rf
- Stellate Ganglion Block / Rf – Cercical Transforaminal Epidural İnj / Rf
- Hip and Knee İnjection / RF
CIPS Live Model & Cadaver Workshop Topics
- Neck & Cervical Region: Cervical Medial Branch (CIPS), Cervical Selective Nerve Roots (CIPS) (+GON,TON, C2 DRG), Stellat ganglion.
- Thoracolumbar-Sacral Region : Thoracic facet joint block (CIPS), İnterkostal nerve block, Paravertebral block, Lumbar medial branch/facet joint block (CIPS), Caudal epidural injection (CIPS) , Sacroiliac joint & Sacral Foramen
- Shoulder: Biceps Tendon (CIPS), Subdeltoid Bursa (CIPS), Rotator Cuff, AC Joint (CIPS), Glenohumeral Joint (CIPS) ,Suprascapular Nerve (CIPS)
- Elbow & Wrist: Medial & Lateral Epicondylosis Tendon Injection / Fenestration (CIPS), Ulnar Nerve at Cubital canal (CIPS), Median Nerve, Carpal Tunnel.
- Hip Region: Hip Joint (CIPS), Trochanteric bursa injection Sub. GMax, Medius and Minimus (CIPS), Ilioinguinal / Iliohypogastric Nerve (CIPS), Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve(CIPS), Piriformis Muscle injection (CIPS), Pudendal Nerve (CIPS)
- Knee & Ankle: Knee Joint Injection (CIPS), Tibiotalar Joint Injection (CIPS), Genicular nerve block, Saphenous Nerve, Tarsal Tunnel.