
Prof. Ricardo Ruiz Lopez      

Ricardo Ruiz-Lopez, MD, Neurosurgeon, FIPP, is a Founder and Past President of WIP. He is also a Founder of EFIC (1993) and President of its II Congress Pain in Europe in (Barcelona,1997). He has been Founder of the Spanish Pain Society (1989) and Founding President of the Catalan Pain Society (2001) as well as various International Spine Societies. Throughout a continuous Founding process in WIP, he has been the promoter of the WIP FIPP® Examination into Spanish and English for the Americas in Miami, USA, (2012) and promoter from 2015 and Founder of the FIPP® / CIPS® Examination at Taipei, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, initiated in 2019 with the support of the Taiwan WIP Registered Society and the National Taiwan University, holding its 3rd Symposium & Workshop on January 30-31, 2021. He has been distinguished with the Trail Blazer Award of World Institute of Pain (2017).