
Dr. Arun Bashkar

Dr Arun Bhaskar has special interests in complex pain, including cancer pain, neuropathic pain, visceral & pelvic pain, pain interventional procedures and neuromodulation. He has also a specific interest in opioid management and the use of medical cannabis as well as opioid dependence and its management in the pain patient population. He has been involved in developing novel techniques for interventional treatment of pain including intractable cancer pain. Dr Bhaskar is the Immediate Past President of the British Pain Society and has served two terms as an elected member of the Council of the British Pain Society. Dr Bhaskar is also the present Chairman of the UK Section, World Institute of Pain and Board Member of World Society of Pain Clinicians.

Dr Bhaskar has served as the Hon. Secretary of the Neuromodulation Society of UK and Ireland. Dr Bhaskar has advised NICE on interventional procedures, cancer pain and was a co-opted member of the GDG for Care of the Dying. Dr Bhaskar is currently the Co-chair of the Committee for the Cancer Pain Management Guidelines; he is also the Co-chair of the Neuromodulation Guidelines Committee. He was a member of the European Pain Federation Task Force on Cancer Pain Management. Dr Bhaskar was the Co-chair for the OPEN Consensus group for Opioid Analgesic Dependency. Dr Bhaskar is on the faculty of many courses, including the European Pain School and is an examiner for the European Diploma in Pain Medicine and also the FIPP examination for the World Institute of Pain.